
These photos were taken during my short holiday. My three day stay down south was filled with all things aesthetically pleasing and magical. Farm animals, wandering the fruit orchards, warm apple crumble, riding bikes and sleepy road trips spent listening to music. I enjoyed browsing the most adorable little shops which were filled with faeries, soaps, antiques, sparkly gemstones and teddies. I ate devonshire teas at quaint cafes, tasted chocolate at the chocolate factory, went to old fashioned lolly shoppes (I bought a very sweet sugar mouse) and had cosy nights in spent playing games and roasting peacan nuts and marshmallows on the crackling fire. There were misty forrests (I was sure I had found Narnia), a secluded cubby house which would have been perfect for a tea party and pretty gardens such as the one at the lavender farm but also those with vegetable patches like Mr McGregors. The most loveliest part of all, though, was the rain, so much wonderful rain and the birdies who happily twittered in the trees.

On the way back home, we stopped at a little village called Abingdon. There were many gorgeous miniature models of historic buildings in the UK and even a secret garden. Sinton Court Manor, Ann Hathaway's cottage, Shakespeare's birth house, St Nicholas Church, a village green....they were all there except in dollshouse form.


  1. Your break sounds lovely! Makes me feel very jealous, I love a good old English holiday, makes you realise how nice the country is! That dress also looks gorgeous! xxx

  2. What a lovely place to visit for your long weekend! I love the country side, Margaret River was just splendid! I also went to a place that looks very similar to where you went! Tea, cupcakes and prettiness! It was called Lavender or something like that hehe! Oh I will reply to your email as soon as I login to my hotmail! X

  3. I love those miniature models. I almost thought that they were photos of real houses taken from some great height!

  4. ohhh I am jealous of your little get away, I need a holiday hahah! Im craving scones with tea now. xoxo

  5. Wow, it sounds like an amazing trip! I go away next week - literally cannot wait! Eek! The miniature models are amazing! Whenever I see little models or dollhouses, I just want to put mice in them! It would be so cute!


  6. That looked like a lovely breakaway! I love the third photo the most. :) So lovely. The farm animals and the fruit orchard sounds really sun. :) Glad you had an incredible time sweetie!

    Happy Friday! xx

  7. That dress looks beautiful! As are those miniatures.
    I'm glad you had a nice break :) It sounds like it was great!

  8. this makes me wish i was there too...
    country houses and farms and fences are really lovely... and so are you, dear.

  9. Oh my , this sounds like such a wonderful trip my dear. Did you not come across Peter Rabbit in the gardens? I'm glad you had a lovely time :) xx

  10. Quaint. Charming. Lovely!

  11. Those houses are so sweet! And I really love your butterfly header!

  12. Darling Carina,

    You are a princess. You are loveliness, sugar, perfume, floral dresses, lace bows, and beauty all wrapped up in a gal.

    I'm so glad that you had such a charming weekend, love.!~

  13. The description of your holiday sounds simply perfect, i think its the best list of things to do over the summer ever as well! Miniature villages must be one of my favourite things, they completely fascinate me :)

  14. Oh I adore Abingdon! I have family there, I'm planning to spend a week in Oxfordshire this summer. These pictures are so very quaint, you've made me miss the South dreadfully :) so glad you had a lovely time! xx

  15. nice trip! hope i get one for myself in the future. :)

    dejoiss ♥

  16. Darling, it sounds like you had a lovely break!!
    I have a break soon, and you inspire me to make the best of it.
    Your pictures are beautiful.


  17. what a perfect place to escape to for the long weekend. I miss places like these, just want to run away to them like the old road trips. Everything looks so peaceful and glad you had such a magical time xx

  18. ohh it sounds magical i wish my holidays could be like that x

  19. Hy,
    Nice blog you have here

    Kisses from pepa :X

  20. Your trip must have been amazing! Those ouses are super cute :)


  21. Beautiful! And yes, I wish I were a butterfly, too!
