starry starry night

Dear Antoine de Saint-Exupery,

I know deep down in my heart that your didn't just disappear, you found that special asteroid named B-612 with the two active and one dormant volcano, and the most important rose in the galaxy whom the tender Petite Prince loved so dearly. So when I star gaze late at night, studying what I imagine to be the homes of many more brave little prince's and princesses who watch sunsets to cure their sadness I don't feel so lonely or so small.

Love always,


  1. This is beautiful, I've always adored the tale of the little prince. I hope Saint Exupery did find the asteroid! xxx

  2. Oh, Carina, this is so sweet and lovely. The final sentence is perfect. I read The Little Prince a very, very long time ago and you're making me want to read it again.

  3. oh, this book is so perfect :) i remember i read it on a train back from london and cried and cried and cried. your reply is lovely :) xx

  4. Le Petit Prince. The only book I've read in three languages. I always loved it. I hope you're enjoying a lovely December. xx

  5. i'm just loving your diary, & you, simply adorable style & words ♥ !

  6. My sister is reading it for school, and I'm taking the chance to read it too! what do you think? do you like it?

  7. I just read this book this year, and I love it beyond words.

  8. I love this. I really, really do. x

  9. This is a beautiful piece of writing. I love your blog in every single way; you last post was amazing! You are such a romantic dresser and I love your outfits. ♥ I will be back again!

  10. This is such a lovely and beautiful letter! :)
    I think I'll read the book again...
    Lots of love :)

  11. I agree with this so much! That book has been a comfort to me many times over!

  12. This is lovely sweetling, I really must read that story <3

  13. This is so adorable.. such a sweet post!
